Final practical Examination-Long Case
A 25 year old Male presented to OPD with chief complaints of vomitings 10 episodes and bipedal edema and decreased urine output since 3 years. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESSES: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years ago then he developed multiple episodes of vomitings for which he was admitted in the hospital and found to have high BP of 170 mm Hg HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: Known history of hypertension . Known history of Tuberculosis No history of Diabetes mellitus asthma, epilepsy. No history of surgeries, chemotherapy or r adiotherapy PERSONAL HISTORY: Diet - Mixed Appetite- Normal Bowel movement is regular . Micturition - Normal Addictions- None Sleep - Regular FAMILY HISTORY : No history of DM, CAD, Asthma and thyroid disorders in the family GENRAL EXAMINATION Patient is conscious, coherent, co-operative. There are no signs ...